Fees are due at the time that services are rendered. Usually fees can be paid by personal cheque, cash, Visa, MasterCard or debit card. Please speak to your clinician regarding specific billing arrangements. Receipts are issued at the time of payment.
A charge may be applied if appointments are missed or cancelled at short notice. Please speak to your clinician regarding their policy. Insurance companies do not cover this charge.
The process of obtaining reimbursement from third party insurance companies is the responsibility of the client, although we are very willing to share our experience of the process.
You may find it helpful to check the following with your insurance company or human resources department:
- That the psychological services are covered by the policy
- Whether all members of the family are covered
- Whether the policy pays a set amount per visit or a proportion of the fee per visit or a total amount regardless of the number of sessions
- The time period covered by the policy (e.g. a certain amount per calendar year, a fixed number of sessions, etc.)
- Whether the session length is specified (e.g. per half hour, per unit, per hour)
- Whether your policy requires a physician’s referral
If you have any questions regarding this information, please do not hesitate to ask.